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If you have written a manuscript and would like for us to consider it for publication, please contact us.  We are currently accepting applications for books which will be encouraging for your fellow Christians to read.  We like books that challenge us intellectually, we are always seeking books that will encourage us and shape our Christian walk, and we are particularly fond of books that will help us to refocus our gaze on our awesome Lord and Savior.

Although some books may be accepted into our McKinney Direct Program, where the books are published free of charge to the Author, the majority of submitted books are published in a cooperative effort with the Author in our standard publishing agreement.  All submitted manuscripts should be clean (no foul language), and must not glorify or justify anything that the Bible teaches as sinful.   (Honest depictions or struggles with sin are acceptable.)

Do you have a book for us?

“After I finished my novel, I considered several publishing options. I spoke at length with a few publishers. Fortunately, I have a friend who used McKinney Publishing to publish his book. Following discussions with McKinney Publishing’s Author Representative, I decided to have them publish my novel. I have not regretted that decision. I found the publishing experience a pleasure, free of stress, from when I uploaded it to receiving the final copy. Not only did McKinney Publishing do all I requested, but they willingly traveled the “extra mile” in seeing that the final product was one in which I would not only be pleased but proud. I am confident anyone using them would have a similar experience.”

   – Don Emerson, Author, The Morning after Darkness

If you have been in contact with our staff and have files that need to be uploaded, you are always welcome to do it here.